Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yippie, super sunny Day!
I regretted going toschool tdy. CUz only 2hrs. like super waste time.
While i'm attending the lesson i laughed and cry again... tdy i used 3 tissue paper to wipe my tears. -.- people surrounding me thought that i m mad... i laughed for about 15 to 20 mins.
oh wells, i was laughing at shijun's gf.
she is very cute and funny and i cant control myself.
Reason for laughing: Her handphone rang in th e middle of the clASS- music:canon ind. (super low tone)
The i dunno why, she took out the phone and started taking out the cover and the battery!
issit because she wan to stop the phone from ringing again? ahaha but why take out battery... lols or mayb the phone hang or what la... i don't know her...

and she look so lonely and bored... that she started to look arnd and scratch her throat. SCratch throat! thats what soomun told me.. and i told soomun that mayb she is having sore throat what! Lols
soomun was affected by me... and both of us laugh non stop
Actually, its nt so funny afteralll... but i laugh until so jialet....-.- and after all the laughing i started to cough alot.. =S
when i was on my way home... saw 1 incosiderate person inside the train!

see! he thinks that he is very cool issit?

mayb putting up his legs is nth to some of u... but nt only does he put his dirty legs up and step on t seats, he also rubbed his shoes against the glass and the handle numerous time! So Dirty.... i cant imagine me holding onto the handle ....
Aiya.. but i can do nth... I just gave a Loud "TSK" ..... Showing my unhappiness.. haa
Meanwhile, i saw qingkai online... knowing that he is still in sch... i decided to disturb him.....
and he drew the reindeer again....

enlarge version.... looks like 2 hands on my head rite!

i was asking him, why am i shouting for help? and he said: because i din close my door when i m having my shower...-.- Naked reindeer...
Me: aint reindeer supposed to be naked? and i shd be yelling"AHhhhhhhh~ instead of help"

So lame...... okay... i 'm ending here.... gonna go study... but before that, i m gg out for a hair cut!

Signing off~

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