Monday, October 1, 2007


Happy CHildrens'day!
& Happy Birthday to Mommy.

hehehe... today i'm in good mood.
Cuz the test today was pretty easy? lol
it's Childrens'day

That's why i posted some pictures here.
( taken on huiwen's bday. )
I'll post up some more in my ltr entries.
Hope u guys will enjoy the photo treats(pretty girls) that i've posted !

Birthday girl, wenzi

These are my poly mates. All are very sweet looking ba! hahaha
Everyone was nicely dressed that day, with their glittering stuff on;as to fulfill the dress code requirement set by our dear bday gal .

Guess why i'm not inside?

(ans: cuz i'm not as sweet as them, Lols)

see, i told u!

starting from Left: Sis, Sz, Pz

Huiwen, sz, pz
bee & mp

(guys, are u drooling?)

me and jj!
See, i captured this! hahaha issit romantic or what?
& i have edited the photos by changing the color to a more smoothing 1.
They Just look Soo sweet! =D

Me with Arvin

okays, that's all for now on huiwen's bday. i willpost up more .
Ytd, we celebrated mum's bday!
Look what we have got for her!
a green tea mousse cake, burberry handbag and a handmade bday card

Does the wordings on the card looks like printed 1s? LOLS

Our msg for mum

Teeheeehee, we also made our dad wrote sth on the card. (the scribbling on the L.H.S. of the card!)
Alrite, it's time for me to study!
till then, Byebye!

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