Friday, October 5, 2007


Gosh! Why why whyWHY

The assignments are like nvr ending !
don't feel like blogging...but to complain! lols

gonna start saving money alrdy!
as i've bought an eye cream and some facial foam which burn a small hole in my pocket!
Diaos...............................abit Xin Tong .....
i think that daniel influences me on that "Diao" word..... -.-"
now i'm like so used to say "Diao" instead of giving the face showing "are you talking in alien language ?"

Anw, it's alrdy October... and myterm test is not over yet!
All the test have been spread out.... wth!
Next week, on the oct 11- i've physics test.(which i was really lagging behind)
The week aft the next, i 've Structural Analysis test-which falls on the 22oct.
& In NOVEMBER. I have Uncertainty test ...whereas the date hasn't been fixed yet.

Plus., My actual Exam will Start On ... i think the 25 or 26 Nov! That's really fast! Just as fast as the speed of Light!

i doubt we have learn or absorb anything in this short 4 months ! (okay, mayb only me & nt the rest)everything was like so rush... Hw can u expect one person to absorb all the knowledge in one module withiin such a short time man! even if u get the idea now, i think most of us will forgt what we have learn last sem.

Today Najib asked us about ma1506. & we were like... Oh... this ah.... Looks familiar... but We din even know how to solve the horrible looking integration questions with lots of Exponential to the power of X and -X plus in trigo functions.

started feeling that what my friend said was true-,i'm really not the "engineering liao" hahaha
Cuz i Dun really understand those irritating hydrostatics forces, Shear stress , Mohr circle...Forces n Stresses and Pressure head everywhere!.... *fainting*

n i 'mdirect entry to yr 2 civil engin when i'm supposedly from QA.... Super no-link can. (studying in civil engin is my own choice, and i cant really blame others) but they should put me in yr 1 at the very beginning when they know that i m a x-fac from QUALITY MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING To CIVIL. i will prefer to study yr 1 than having direct entry to YR 2 where all the lecturers loves to assume that we have already learn all the theories n basic in yr 1.
Sad to say that
I'm really very dumb & slow. Dun expect me to know everything can! -.-
can i be a little smarter and mayb a fast learner.?stupid vain pot.

But i want to say that its lucky for me to know this bunch of friends that i've made in CE. =)
mayb thats what we call fate- which brings peoples of all kinds, different places with diff unique backgrounds tgt.

for the time being, i just hope that someone can cast a special spell on me which makes me Super smart in everything & then get me thru this Semester.
i Just can't wait for the December holidays!!!!!

These few days, i 've been crying and laughing like a mad girl in school. I just cant stop laughing once i start! just like the slogan for Pringles" once pop, u cant stop" ... hmmm sth like tat... haha
& u people should know that, i cry when i laugh ! omg..... TSK.

think i'm feeling abit stress ba... Cuz it always happen when exam and tests are arnd the corner. & workload piles up!

Oh Yes, Xu laopo send me The Song "Orange County" By Stefy! i'm so happy! Woohooo...

& girls, i've send huiwen's bday photos to ur mail. go check it up!

Signing off`

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