Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feeling excited to stay in my house. But the feeling diminish as the house become more n more" normal" .

Btw, today the workers started to overlay the toilet with tiles. But my Sis told me the process of overlaying was damn slow.
After one whole day they only finish 1 and a 1/2 side of wall.
Guess they need to make sure every pieces are nicely placed... That's why so slow....

Alright, I think I will be updating what I've been doing for the month of June soon as it's approaching an end! But don't think I can make my entry anymore interesting without those pictures in my computer :(
Somebody already comment that my blog "nothing much lei" . Hmmm, anyway I blog just to rmb what I did ... (:

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I m blogging using my iPhone again(: cuz there's no wifi in my house right now.

By the way, the renovation work for my house has finally started .
Yes.... Like after 1 and a half years of planning...

Yesterday the contractor and his workers came over our house and started off by hacking away all our existing cabinet in the living room/ dinning area , kitchen and the common bathroom; leaving only 3 rms .

Now my house is in a mess. Rms with piled up boxes , clothes hanger hanging here n there in some corner.. Water boiler , rice cooker and even the television are inside our rooms. Haha feel like I m living in a 难民营。

A lot of inconvenience, no entertainment and all of us can only gather inside the room to do packing. However it is also this "undisturbed" environment , my family and I got to spend more time tgt .... Chit Chatting....listening to songs... Looking at our old d stuff and laughed together. Just like our gd old days... The days before all of us got tied up with work , tv, computer and our own social life.

What a memorable experience(:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

我自己也能过得不错。 (:

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't be stupid

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone