Friday, October 19, 2007


Today i was late for sch...As i've trouble finding clothes to wear...
I havent been to shopping since dunno when!
I missing Shopping for cheap but simple and nice clothing... accessories & stuff...

suddenly, i rmb one clothes.
i Dig out the halter shirt i wore during the road show...
But found that its too ..... too much cleavage...Looks like Bikini if u only see the top... i cant believe that i actually wore that slutty halter standing in the busiest CBD district distrubuting those prospectus the other time!!

must be super "DUI LIAN" cuz i saw two person i know... and some more 1 of them is from my fotang!
so i waste my time searching for another shirt to wear.
despite being late, i still have time to cam whore! idiot girl rite! (actually i was quite early... but i fchange clothes change till i got late.. -.-)

ohyes, i cut my fringe again... abit slanting.... and straight... made me look so "gong" and even kiddish... so these few days, i put on some mascara to make myself nt so nerdy look.
(looks like a bikini with thick halter, right!?)

See, the special blurry effect only at the back but not me.

Pardon me for posting these ahem zi lian photos... cuz i din have the chance to take photos with my frens in this halter(all of us wore the same 1) during the roadshow... and thinking that i might nt be wearing this halter unless i go to beach, i decided to take some photos to keep... LOLS

Signing off!

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