Sunday, October 7, 2007



Hey, i went to Esplanade Library today with arvin.
Okay... to study.
But i din really study much.
Cuz my focus was on the nice scenery outside and the touchy and lovely music play by some pianists.

It gaves me the urge that i need to learn piano even more.
We sat there till 645pm and then left for dinner.

Had a sinful dinner tday at Chocz, Marina sq.
I had the vegetarian spaghetti with tomato sause and Mushroom =) I finished the WHole Plate!
As usual, Arvin had fish and chips . lols

And our dessert was the MilkChocolate fondue. =)
Super nice!
The chocolate is sooo sooo sooo addictive.
Actually, i already bought some strawberries dip with choco at the esplanade.
But i wanted more! So we had our dinner at ChoCz. =)

Aft the dinner, Walk arnd... And then took bus 70 back home!

What your think about the the whole chuck of chinese words written above? can i say its a poem or what. Tell me whether it is lousily written or Okay . Hahah

Tag pls!


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