Monday, October 15, 2007


It's raining again! and once again , i want to say that i really Hate it!
SO Cold and So troublesome!
Yet, I'm so lucky that the rain stops whenever i need to walk out of the building. and started raining heavily again when i'm in the lectures. =D

Tdy, i cried again.
yes, cause of some racist joke .(I'm sorry, but cant help it)
I laughed and stopped and laughed again at several intervals... like gila, u know?.
sebastian and chunlin was like...continued to laugh not because of the joke, instead they were laughing at me, cuz i cant stop.

I'm nt gonna say t joke here. ltr kena BomB by ppl then Jialat liao....
But one part of our conversations was about the resident evil movie- where the zombies cant be seen?..... our joke is also similar to that....LOLS...
Just now, when i was on my way home i started to laugh about it ... but i din laugh out loud..
just giggling....

Back to some normal stuffs,
Last week end, i m stuck at home facing the 4walls with my 2407 notes and laptop!

Last nite then we managed to finish the assignments. (the credit goes to chunlin, sebastian daniel, guojie and -mayb for myself(small contribution...) whahaha)
without them, i don't think we can submit the assignment today! =)
Lucky.... hehe i came out a new nick for myself-miss picky... cuz i keep picking on some small careless mistake made by chun lin when i was checking and at the same time "zapping"his assignment. my zapping doesnt mean printing out... its a new way of saying that i copied the steps and rewrite it and edit on my own way. *Laughs*

Had our structural analysis beam testing last week..
where students are divided into groups and we must design and create our own Beam!*cool beans!*
We had 2 sessions, one on mid-sep and another conducted on last wednesday.
On the previous session, me and my group members (a group of poly students)created our beam and last week, its time for us to test our beam-(apply load and pressure to the beam, to see how strong and what's the max load it can take) & ya.. see how it fails. sad to see it turns into a waste metal aft the test! our hardwork!!

Honestly speaking, the calculations part & designing our beam was done in an
"aga-ration" (approximately)manner.

Due to the time constraints and the lack of material... the TA also said that our previous design wasn't strong enough to withstand the load , so we changed our design at the very last minute, on the spot.

But Guess what?

Our beam is the second best among the 4 groups that day! hahahaha
In terms of weight of beam, ours is the second lightest-0.9kg. As for the amount of load it can withstd, its approximately 10.15kN.

While the other group that spent alot of time calculating and designing; only manage to get 6KN load, and they were quite disappointed. (theirs are also quite well done, but too tall-causing torsion of beam)

So the moral of the story is: In Life, not everything must go according to the books and theories. humans are live and books are dead! Being able to use your common sense and "aga-ration" method is also an important knowledge for each n everyone of us to hav !

Happy Go Lucky!

You Get what i mean???!!! Teeeheehee...

Photos taken in the workshop will be uploaded next time!

Till then, Byebye! ♥♥♥

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