Friday, October 30, 2009

懂得让我流泪的人 给的感动一定是最深

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hello People. 谢谢关心。不用担心 cuz, I am doing fine now (:

我没有甚麼不能忘却 我可以删除我的狼狈
我不用理会你的胆怯 我会 勇敢 我的明天

Anyway... today i'm here to introduce another 2 songs hahaha
Ya lah.You are rite, the song i m going to intro is from Amber guo again!
paiseh... when i like some1 i'll listen to all albums to find good songs ....
for those who doesn't like her... lucky u, amber only have 2 albums.

Love & Love

那天 当你说了爱
爱情 决定了称谓

春天 正适合浪漫
夏天 晒一晒孤单

两个人旅行 背包只装着爱
不预设终点 不怕地球变坏
Love Love 多让人期待

两颗心旅行 寂寞拿去网拍
陪我数星海 陪我四季变换
Love Love 都让人变美
爱千金不换 到老都不坏

you’re my life, you’re my soul
Love is like a star
color the worldLove & Love, love forever

那天 当你说了爱
爱情 决定了称谓

晴天 陪我骑小折
雨天 不出门快乐

两个人旅行 背包只装着爱
不预设终点 不怕地球变坏
Love Love 多让人期待

两颗心旅行 寂寞拿去网拍
陪我数星海 陪我四季变换L
Love Love 都让人变美
爱千金不换 到老都不坏



天空 沒顏色
時間 隱形了
寂寞 在心中翻跟斗
認識的你 已經不同

明天 怎麼呢 
我們 怎麼了
現在 看照後鏡的我
在淚光裡 動也不動

如果愛可以攝影 底片是多少厘米
每一格都是記憶 但對不起 我在哪裡

看著天亮 說著未來 
打著雨傘 穿著毛衣
聽著鋼琴 笑著吃飯 
鬧著分手 哭著寫信過去
都在眼睛裡 瞬間暫停


然後 走下去

是我 愛記得 可是 該忘了坐在 地鐵中 想著 以後

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

早上都说过了,这两天心情不大好。。。 没想到刚才去学校前,D让我更悲了。
一路上本来一切都还好。。。 偶尔还会闲聊几句。。。。
这时D忽然提到了“一件事”, 我听完之后顿时静了下来, 心感失望。车子里安静了一阵子。


其实还蛮冷的。。。 不过。。。有点麻木了
因为我知道原来“心灰意冷”比不上外在所感受到的,更冷和难过。 sad again...?

算了,明天会更好。 我会忘记的。。。
wow! i find this picture super pretty... nature is such a Beauty. nth can compare to u ah!

guess u people cant see the beauty of it since its so small .... haha..

But seeing it too clearly might nt be a good thing too huh?


不过很有心情写作和画画。 有点私人,所以刻意把文字弄得比之前更小了。下次有好一点的再分享吧!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009


=Recent Update=

Last last week, 宅女过了一个很不宅的weekend!

Friday 9 October 2009

Met gj @bugis for some phototaking. As usual still abit weird... but now i m more comfortable with him le. haha Haji lane was the exact location for shooting.
Most of the time we were walking round & round the shop houses looking for suitable spots Apart from that, its our “break time” for ice-cream & drinks.

headed back to orchard after that to meet Pq, Sm, & celeste after their classes for a movie!
& after much discussion, we ended up watching "500days of summer"

Hmm, to be frank.... i m quite disappointed with the movie leh...the day before, pq told me that its a Love story with many humorous scenes ... but its nt really that funny lei.... i almost fell asleep (OpPs.... guess i am too tired?)

After the movie, Off we go for some dessert again!
Shop shop shop & had dinner with gj & pq @Hans Before we went our separate ways.

(No PHotos) ... cuz I Lost all my photos ... =( saaaaadddddddddddddddddddddddd

i still gt some videos n photos nv uploadddddddddddddd...... SOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

Oh anyway! I m proud to announce that I 've been to Orchard ION! hahaha Like finally!

Saturday (10October 2009)

Looks like any Other ordinary day, but nOpe! It's My Most goodlooking Friend; Najib ALi & ellyza 's wedding! Oh & nt forgetting Our friend, Lahif's birthday (:

a little sad that Not everyone made it to the wedding buffet, However... those who were present really make the whole "wedding gathering" Fun!

Photos pHotos!


najib's wedding day1




(more on fb)

After celebrating Lathif's birthday.. most of them went back & the few of us( qq, pq, sm,chong, gj tszMing & i) shared cab down to Punggol Jetty for sightseeing & phototaking (:

Well, its not my first time been there.... In fact, i went there since young!
I always remember those days or Nights, where my dad drove us in his mini van down the winding & Undulating roads down to the jetty.
The chilly wind and sea is very beautiful at night... However, whenever i stared at the calm dark sea for too long... i will feel quite emo... Do You ? or do you nt?

okay, not that important... haha

(side note. we met a very weird taxi uncle..... ) IMG_3344-1
Our two Very gd photographer. haha




need to thanks soomun dear for snapping most of the photos using my cammy

anyhow, that day we went there arnd evening ...before the sun set! & its super low tide... so we got a chance to go down to the beach & enjoy the beautiful egg yolk ! Guess i din even have the time to look at the sea loh... so its an enjoyable punggol jetty trip !

Left the place around 7plus & head for dinner @ Hougang Mall as most of us were starving ! & the girls started to get annoyed by those Infuriating Mosquitoes.
najib's wedding day-1

Sunday (11October 2009)

"I often sit and wish that I Could be a kite up in the sky,And ride upon the wind and go Whichever way I chanced to blow"

It's Kite flying festival ! So, Gj, Leong, Pq, NN & i Decided to Join in the fun (:
Upon arrival @ Farmway station, The Clear Blue sky with Kites greeted us!
We were blessed that the weather that day was really clear & Blue (good for kite flying & photo taking) haha

Not wanting to just raise our head and admire people's Kites, we quickly bought Ours too

Tadah.... I was attracted by this stunning colourful ladybird once i saw it... & i think the rest also think that LB looks Pretty, So without second thought, we bought it...

ladybird was hurt...... so it cant fly too high


our second kite....



Yea, like one always say....Good times pass by quickly.....
So we ended our day by having dinner @ Compass point.


ANyway, thanks to those who eat in foodcourt with me for that two days.! hahaha
& yes, these 3days, 虽然过的一点也不宅,可是却很开心。希望你们也是噢!

Yea! it's 1.26am now.... guess i should be sleeping soon? many days of late nights give me a feeling that my nose will bleed anytime....

Friday, October 16, 2009



Bought a New Facial silicon Brush for cleansing @ Daiso few weeks ago!
Already have 1 which is still brand new...Unfortunately something bad happened to it!

not long ago, i brought it along with me to Malaysia... & while i was bathing ( toilet bowl beside the shower head....) after removing my makeup, i placed it ontop of the flush and continued to bath.... & suddenly i heard a "Domp" sound.... dunNo why so suay... My Brush Fell into the toilet bowl! i rmb i place it properly... don't understand why it want to commit suicide....
The moment i see it..... 3 Lines appeared at the side of my forehead.... (-.-"') YUCKS!

my brain reacted quickly and it send me thinking that Some Uncle might have just FInish doing his business before i entered the toilet! becuz i dun wish to leave it floating in the bowl any longer... i aim accurately at it & quickly picked it up then washed it with shampoo & shower foam Desperately....

despite washing it several times and it smell like a blossom flower with fragrance that can attract butterflies.... & i tried to persuade myself to use the brush one more time after the incident....
i couldnt stop imaginating that I i m putting shit onto my face .. haiz....

so hello to my new brush

& Byebye to The old shitty 1....

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Monday, October 12, 2009


Recently start to listen to some old songs which i love alot.....1 of them is:

你一沉默 就是投手
猜不透 你在想什么

我越爱你 越像捕手
我们的左右 满地都是漏接的球



的爱我爱我 等你爱我

hahaha... anyone Know whose song is this? =p

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yea! mixpod is finally working i 've uploaded a few Songs! (old song)
sorry for those who cant stand loud noisy background music or cantonese song 1 ar... cuz i like them, so no choice..haha
Anyway, have been playing these few days...
i will blog when i finish all my activities yea~ ('',)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wonder Lens for PLay

Fisheyes Len... but nt that fisheye
Stardust ! make the whole world bling bling
Litewave len... which makes ur surrounding Blur as though u are taking photo of a moving object

Macro Len... 阿公放大镜!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

美丽的邂逅-Toby& 小白

听说北方南方某个远方一定有座爱情天堂。。。 今天toby在它的天堂(公园)找到了它的爱人!

以往顽皮和不友善的toby今天反应有点失常的兴奋,时不时地想要往前冲。。。。 因为害怕它们会打架,所以,我们都站得远远的。。。 可是观察了很久,发现两只狗其实都对彼此还蛮友善的,于是就让它们做朋友。。。。

彼此凝视着对方,toby的小尾巴还摇个不停。。。 心里因该是小鹿乱撞吧?
可惜,美好的时光总是短暂的。。。。 小白的主人要离开了。。。 两只狗只好依依不舍的分开。。。。 偶尔还会回过头看着对方
这时,toby不时发出有一点色情又有一点感伤的叫声。。。仿佛在对小白说:“可不可以 别回头 可不可以 就放手 可不可以 不作你的朋友 。。。 我会等你的。。小白。。。。!下次在相遇的路口请认出我!”

Friday, October 2, 2009


Camera Shy mama... lol
Didn't really buy any gift for mum this time... but still managed to make a card for her..(gj, say my card nt that nice leh... sob .... =p)
abit chui...cuz did it within a limited time ...
& looks empty ...hahhaa cuz i ran out of ideas le...

Oh yea.... i took a module call Science of mUsic and there's this assignment which require us to go for a concert... & then write about it.... so today, i searched the NUS Website for some free concerts..

i must say that i am quite amazed by the number of free concert and classes conducted In the Ucc and Conservatory concert hall.

Noted down a few which i would wish to attend.... but some clashes with my night classes... damn!

ALM lunchtime concert series

  • violin virtuosso
    Location: Asian Civilisation Museum
    Time and date: Fri oct 2 12.30pm

    (Today! hahah and its 2pm Now... so cannot go le)

  • camerata de lau sanhe
    Location: conservatory concert hall , asian civilisation museum
    TIme and date: fri 9oct 12.30pm

(like a short concert only... and in town... must consider)

  • Piano duet
    Location: Same as above
    Time and date: 6 nov 12.30pm

(piano duet... like so cool)

  • Lunct time Jazz
    Location: same as above
    Time and date: fri 13Nov 12.30pm

2 more concert In Nus conservatory concert hall

  • monday Noon Recital

Time and date: Mon 5Oct 12.15pm

  • Jose - daniel castellon flute recital

Time and date: Wed 7 Oct 12.15pm

(can consider too... early brunch and den listen to a nice performance)

  • Carlos Lama & Sofia cabrya Piano

Time and date: Thur 8 Oct 7.30pm

(aw... i have nite class)

  • cellissimo

time and date: Tue 130ct 7.30pm

(i like this! so 70% going for it)

  • Soundbite : percussion
    Time and date: wed 14 Oct 12.15pm

  • Double stop (violin & piano)

Time and date: sat 17oct 7.30pm

(this sounds gd too... but saturday!)

So if anyone of u have any interest, can also Go to these concert... just sit down &relax.

For All the above mention, admission are free!

side note, if anyone wan to invite me to live band performance , that will be great too! hahaha I love live performances, orchestra, & jazz... muahaha

till then, byebye!


Yea! I received 3 Mails From Mr Post Man tonight! so happy (:
Cuz Normally when my dad come home with all the letters, there wun be any for me.... Only M1 Bill La.!

So i was kind of surprised today(:

OKay! the first 1 ... Not much surprise... cuz i am already expecting it... Najib's wedding invitation card of course! (: Congratulations, najib... this time round, i will try to get u a real Gstring, ok?

2nd, A Free "glow " Magazine from Watson. They Send me a free copy for being their Loyal member! haha Yea... watson , thanks alot... i will love you more....

theres alot of nice cool stuff (when girls say that, it means that skin care, and beauty products... Nt those voom voom car)in the magazine for me to read tml (:

3rd...... A post card from Mr kwa... HAHA sounds abit weird huh...
Never did i expect that he would sent me this postcard when he was in taipei last week(he's back in SG Now )..... I am really surprised! Initially, i was thinking... issit GJ... HAHAH Cuz i gave him my add on tue.... which i dunNO why also...
BUt also quite impossible... and as i read along... saw the taiwan 101 Picture... still nv think much.... den when i come to the end, & i saw his name... lol

Thanks for the surprise (:

Btw... I bling bling my handphone just now during lecture.... its some remaining blings from ytd... i used most of it for my mum's bday card.... and theres still some leftovers.... so i shall put it to gd use ma....

very girly rite? usually i m nt like that 1.. trust me!
just Dont want to waste the blings ma... haa & my phone loOks more nicer now... (torn away that ugly screen protector off too and now my phone look 1yr younger.. haha)

Alrite... its 1.1oam... shall stop here... (:
Goodnite folks

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Before CHunLin Go, He did this dance for Us!
Thanks alot! We will Miss you *haha* Must Look For us when you're back oh~

will upload the real photos in Fb!