Wednesday, September 5, 2007


TodaY i had my first physics lab. Was quite nervous again. Cuz Physics Lab is Super Time consuming and i 'm very slow when doing lab. Tends to make careless mistakes here and there.
Furthermore, I'm alone. -.-

WHen i reached the lab, there were few student already. So i saw one girl and asked if she has a partner. and yeah!!!... she don't have... so we group today. haha heng.
Hehehe.... & i found out that She's my Course Senior! She is in her final year already. And she stays in Hougang .... Plus she is also from Ngee ann Poly! WOw... we have many things in common. LOLS.

I felt so lucky to met her & have her as my partner. =D
Thanks Suan Tin!

The Lab ends at 12pm but we only get it done by 1pm! i miss my lunch break -.- super hungry and thirsty....
then i quickly ran off for my next tutorial class which was @ 1pmwhile she helped me to hand in my report. =)

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