Sunday, September 23, 2007


This morning, i went to TG- for the Su Shi Yuan You Hui.
Its a norm for me to feel very lazy and reluctant to go out on weekend mornings!...
&it was raining super heavily .
Nevertheless, i still went la.

In my mind, i was thinking that its raining so heavily who will care to go!
But i was wrong.... when i reached TG....
The place was a;rdy packed with people!
& there's alot of YUMMY FOOD STores !!!!!!
( unlike the previous 1.. which was in buffet style)

YUppi! GT my favourite shark fins soup, Nasi lemak.... some finger food and alot more!
Too bad that i din bring any of my friends along.
Think they will like it....

There's also exhibitions by the vegetarian society and "Loveusnoteatus" thingy there....

digusting hand which freak me out!
The board says :imagine eating a human hand! isn't it revolting? yah... i think so....
so how do you feel when you're eating the innocent animal's Limbs. *puke*

This cat & Sheep look damn funny & cute can! haha
& yeah... here goes my boring photo whoring

me,looking worried. (as my sis was the driver) Tahahaha.... Jk...
oh wells, she's pretty good in her parking. =]

ewww... my face somehow looks distorted .. due to my shaky hands. (the car's moving!)

Teehheeehee... getting bored? okay... no More...

anw, sorry for the poor quality photos. hahaa cuz i'm using my hp camera.
that's all Folks.

Signing off!

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