Sunday, September 16, 2007


songs from rainie's new album
Okay... maybe this is not so new. As its a song for the show WHy Why love.
& i believe most of the people had already listened to it .

This is the second song. Which i think the dance was pretty good. Lols
But the Mv is super lame and ridiculous la.

Seeing Rainie's Super short layered hair at the top, remind me of sth.
There was once, when i'm still in poly... I cut my hair just like the one rainie had too.. a very obvious short layer at the middle... and the rest longer. (but din style or do anything to make it Super nice looking)
& the second day when i go sch. My friend started laughing. -.- (said that it looks like a hat or what. *diao*
& the following week i cut away that layer to make it normal.

CUZ No ONE say Its nice... only my hairstylist.
Yeah, and i cannot stand ppl laughing..
& went back to my hairstylist ... though she said that its very stylish and my friend was a sua gu to laugh at me but i still trimmed away that layer.

so anyone laughing at Rainie now? i think NO LOR. SO its good to be a celebrity.
Whatever shit u wear or any weird hairdo u have.
everyone will Say its nice... * roll eyes*

So unfair ....
HAhaa... after all... she is still a celebrity
&yah.. very cute too =)
so can't compare la. =]

recently, i kept receiving phonecalls from strangers. and someone even asked me if i'm interested in doing facial.???!!!!
damn all of u... stop calling me!
perhaps i should change my hp no?

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