Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunny (updated)

Friday was Engin Day.
& every engineering student only have to study half day! Yeah.! *smiles*
i went to look for chunlin and daniel as i need to pass them sth.
& i stick to them anywhere they go!
Know why?????

because my hp low batt... and i need a hp to contact my friend
btw, they are gg to the operation orion to Cambodia, organised by Civil engine club.
So they are having those fund raising thingy gg on just outside LT 6
Daniel kept asking me to go.... i also wan.... but...
no vegetarian food?
they ask me to eat veggies can le. lols

Before we start,
we went to The engin Club hse to collect the Tshirt they are selling.
Then did some stock taking.... and went to Lt6 to set up our store.

Hmmmm...The store was really in a MESS!
They Used the Double A printing paper Boxes to Support their banner lor!
hhahaha instead of displaying the banner they are supposed to...
the store looks like a store promoting and selling double A paper!
as usual, with mr daniel arnd.... i laugh alot.... because we both thinks that the store look very "CHUI"
& yeah... it's super windy that day... the stupid banner kept flying off.!

i helped up abit... like trying hard to cover up the DOUBLE A -Printing on the Boxes
& writing down the prices on the board
plus selling the Ts...

okay... i managed to sell 3 or 4 pieces... while the guys at least 2 each....
YEAH.... I'm the winner! i can be a sale girl! =)

aft that, i met otc for lunch and we reformatted my lappy...& study physics
thanks ar....
sorry if i look super sian
cuz.............. okay... just Bored...

we went home at 6pm...
& i headed to mum's office... for the pot luck event and talk.
blah blah.. the tom yam noodles was great! hahahaha
got home at arnd 11plus and i on my lappy again to set up the wireless connection...
But it seems like there's sth wrong with my lappy... so i decided to reformat again.....

I reformat my lappy 3 times last night... due some problems here and there.
& i only slept for about 3 hrs in total... half and hr intervals.

DAMn it la.... so troublesome....
n my firefox is gone..... -.-.-.-.-.-;
okay... guess i shdn't complain so much...
& i'm glad that its fine now. =)

Yesterday, i went out with arvin, to Marina Square.
& we had Sakae Sushi for dinner. =D

He ordered the Potato Salad. but i ate the whole salad alone, as it was too cold for him but just nice for me. Salad lei. what u expect? haha
Aft which, arnd 9pm..
we strolled in the shopping centre awhile before our movie UNDERDOG Starts.
its a Nice movie... hahaa... The dog is very funny.

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