Tuesday, September 4, 2007



After school that day, I went to CGH To pay grandma a visit.
Okay, she looks better now....=)
At the beginning, i wanted to go straight to CGH aft i change my clothes and change my bag
But mum asked me to wait for her.... so i waited.... till 5pm then she came back!

&When we reached the hospital, its already 610pm!
i was supposed to meet laopo men at 630pm, suntec! *gosh*
So i had to postpone the meeting time. =P

Met Zeng laopo at Cityhall Mrt Stn at arnd 715pm and walked to suntec, where kong laopo and Lim laopo were already there waiting for us.
& headed for our Dinner!
i forgot the name of the restaurant, but i'm sure that theres "noodles" in the name. lols.
& i had my Fried tofu Set which costs 7.90 exclusive of Gst. *smile*

After the dinner, we walked to Bugis.
laopo men are really good, they know where to walk and i just follow blindly. haiz... i'm so sua gu
But by the time we reach Bugis, most of the stalls were already closing....! damn
yet, we still managed to grab one pair of shoes each..... 9.90 bucks only... CHeap Rite.!?

oh, i also bought a top at Fox, suntec.

After shopping at bugis, we went to the bus stop to take bus down to Clarke Quay.
As Lim laopo said that there's a night market or ??? some where there, so want to bring us there to 大开眼界!

hahaha, we did something very UN-glam whilewaiting for the bus.
You all know that theres two bus stop opposite Burlington square?
and we were waiting at one of the bus stop for bus 147 or 166. but it din come...

so for one moment, steph suggested on taking cab down.
we standby the road shoulder and wave for arnd 5 to 10 mins? but no empty cab available.
Then we saw the second bus stop which was a few metres away from the previous 1... so we walked there and check if there are buses that goes to clarke quay.... (worst, None goes there!)
So we continued to look for cabs.

& to our astonishment, Bus 147 Came.... and the four of us run towards the previous bus stop like siao char bor. - Carrying big ugly aunty looking shopping bag running on the streets in a mini denim skirt. & i think the way we run is UGLY lor. *laughs*

We managed to get on to the bus... and we were laughing loudly on how foolish we looked just now. hahaha
Reached Clarke quay, but t market is no where in sight... so we asked some1
and she told us that the market was last week ... *disappointed*
okay, nt really that disappointed. At least i saw the nice scenery at Clarke quay. =)
we went home after a short walk.


went to Lim laopo's house .... xu laopo the birthday girl was already there to do her manicure.
then Xulaopo's cousin drove us down to Costa Sands, Pasir Ris.
We Decorated the chalet aft we checked in.......
and went to downtown east to buy my dinner. - Cuz i don't have much things to eat. haha
Arnd 7plus, most of the guest came. hahaha
and ya, guess xu laopo received lotsa pressie! Happy not? hahaa
so you like the album? hahaa

Edwin Came back from CHINA... hahaha... i was so eager to see his double chin... but
there was only one chin.... guess he slimmed down when he was in china , due to the loneliness.
Jimmy, Meihua, betsy, Beechai, Kenneth, Yiwei, Shuli and some SgS school mates came. =D
(like some sort of gathering... lols... and everyone seems fine ... that's gd!)
we had long long chats throughout the night.

we sat outside to CHATTTTTTTTttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
till 4am and when in to the chalet due to the rain!
& then we continued to watch old old drama cast by 周初明,谢韵仪,陈汉伟 and more.
The Story line is so Crappy can...(we can also guess what's happening next!)
another thing, the actor's acting skills all cannot make it! so fake and block!
we laughed all the way till the show ends.... (the ending song also very funny.... i wanted to laugh though i'm trying to get some sleep)

we slept till 5plus and decided to go home.
we walked out from costa sands to the bus stop outside.
damn the new shoes! hahahhaa ..... its torturing me and steph...
It gave me 2 blister on my feet. PAINFUL AR!


reached home at 7am... bath and slept till 12pm... then woke up to do some revision and then prepare to go to the hospital again. (TTSH- grandma was being transfer to there)

we stayed there for quite sometimes, and even when to Square2 to shop awhile with my two sisters.
we went t the bikini shop... yining bought 2 bikini and huiting bought 1. thou i tried on 2 but i din buy any. cuz i'm ntgoing to the beach and all not suitable. hahaha

went home arnd 10 plus and i slept after the hot bath

I'm so ANGRY. I gt blister and FLU after that chalet night!
blame myself for nt wearing jacket the whole nite! =S
(freddie said that i wanna act strong....-.-)

and yes.... these two days i'm sufferring due to the FLu
i cant really concentrate in class and keep dozing off.
i even hit my head hard on the bus window twice ! 丢脸啊!!!!
i'm sleeping at 930pm when i'm suppose to be an owl which come online till 1 am in the morning!
i dare nt look at the mirror for too long.... as i thinks that i look Totally restless and ugly .

Hope I get well SOON!


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Signing off`

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