Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ytd, went to Wen zi's 21st birthday celebration!
finally gt the chance to meet up with all the Girls! =)
& You know what?

We took 300 photos....(including those shaky shaky, moving moving 1s...)
i will eliminate some of them. haha...
but tml, theres test. so i think i will blog when i'm free... =)

(uploaded a few in flickr a/c)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Red BomBs every where!
Three Birthday Bash's Coming up!


1st: Ms Soh Huiwen aka wen zi (29.09.2007)

Here's her invitation mail! So nicely decorated.
& whats so special about it is that... its not those usual CHalet birthday party.
It's located at The Dating Loft- Near Boat Quay. (some where sheis working).
& The Dress code : Smart casual + Some glittering items! =S
i dunno what to wear!!!! i'm contemplating now.... Shhhhh... dun disturb.

The 2nd Birthday bash: Ng Mei Hua aka Zhu tou(20 oct)

alrite, her bash will be held at aloha loyang, pasir ris. =) big big chalet neh~!

okay, her chalet sounds like some sort of gambling den, i tell u...!
She actually mentioned CASINO. (but not for me... i don't gamble ..teeheehee...)

3rd : Liangliang (10 Nov)

oh wells, no invitation cards or emails like the previous 2. But i think her birthday celebration will be a Blast! Cuz it's a party @ st.James!
it will b really great for me, this lao sua gu to go open up my eyes! ;)
well, yesterday was Mid Autumn Festival.
we had some Moon cakes, Tea, lanterns and candles and NAchos w CHeese!
yet, instead of sitting under the beautiful sky with the big round full moon, we watch the TV while eating the moon cakes! lols

okay, pathetic me even play the candles alone. Burning away 2 boxes of candles.... i was lucky that i din burn down my whole hse.

Haha.. the smallest Cup is Mine!

Nachos with cheese... yea, i know the cheese some hw looks kind of disgusting! but its surely addictive!

i try to play the candles with fila. But fila won't care less about me. kept eating and shitting. -.- so no photos of him!

signing off~

Sunday, September 23, 2007


This morning, i went to TG- for the Su Shi Yuan You Hui.
Its a norm for me to feel very lazy and reluctant to go out on weekend mornings!...
&it was raining super heavily .
Nevertheless, i still went la.

In my mind, i was thinking that its raining so heavily who will care to go!
But i was wrong.... when i reached TG....
The place was a;rdy packed with people!
& there's alot of YUMMY FOOD STores !!!!!!
( unlike the previous 1.. which was in buffet style)

YUppi! GT my favourite shark fins soup, Nasi lemak.... some finger food and alot more!
Too bad that i din bring any of my friends along.
Think they will like it....

There's also exhibitions by the vegetarian society and "Loveusnoteatus" thingy there....

digusting hand which freak me out!
The board says :imagine eating a human hand! isn't it revolting? yah... i think so....
so how do you feel when you're eating the innocent animal's Limbs. *puke*

This cat & Sheep look damn funny & cute can! haha
& yeah... here goes my boring photo whoring

me,looking worried. (as my sis was the driver) Tahahaha.... Jk...
oh wells, she's pretty good in her parking. =]

ewww... my face somehow looks distorted .. due to my shaky hands. (the car's moving!)

Teehheeehee... getting bored? okay... no More...

anw, sorry for the poor quality photos. hahaa cuz i'm using my hp camera.
that's all Folks.

Signing off!

Sunny (updated)

Friday was Engin Day.
& every engineering student only have to study half day! Yeah.! *smiles*
i went to look for chunlin and daniel as i need to pass them sth.
& i stick to them anywhere they go!
Know why?????

because my hp low batt... and i need a hp to contact my friend
btw, they are gg to the operation orion to Cambodia, organised by Civil engine club.
So they are having those fund raising thingy gg on just outside LT 6
Daniel kept asking me to go.... i also wan.... but...
no vegetarian food?
they ask me to eat veggies can le. lols

Before we start,
we went to The engin Club hse to collect the Tshirt they are selling.
Then did some stock taking.... and went to Lt6 to set up our store.

Hmmmm...The store was really in a MESS!
They Used the Double A printing paper Boxes to Support their banner lor!
hhahaha instead of displaying the banner they are supposed to...
the store looks like a store promoting and selling double A paper!
as usual, with mr daniel arnd.... i laugh alot.... because we both thinks that the store look very "CHUI"
& yeah... it's super windy that day... the stupid banner kept flying off.!

i helped up abit... like trying hard to cover up the DOUBLE A -Printing on the Boxes
& writing down the prices on the board
plus selling the Ts...

okay... i managed to sell 3 or 4 pieces... while the guys at least 2 each....
YEAH.... I'm the winner! i can be a sale girl! =)

aft that, i met otc for lunch and we reformatted my lappy...& study physics
thanks ar....
sorry if i look super sian
cuz.............. okay... just Bored...

we went home at 6pm...
& i headed to mum's office... for the pot luck event and talk.
blah blah.. the tom yam noodles was great! hahahaha
got home at arnd 11plus and i on my lappy again to set up the wireless connection...
But it seems like there's sth wrong with my lappy... so i decided to reformat again.....

I reformat my lappy 3 times last night... due some problems here and there.
& i only slept for about 3 hrs in total... half and hr intervals.

DAMn it la.... so troublesome....
n my firefox is gone..... -.-.-.-.-.-;
okay... guess i shdn't complain so much...
& i'm glad that its fine now. =)

Yesterday, i went out with arvin, to Marina Square.
& we had Sakae Sushi for dinner. =D

He ordered the Potato Salad. but i ate the whole salad alone, as it was too cold for him but just nice for me. Salad lei. what u expect? haha
Aft which, arnd 9pm..
we strolled in the shopping centre awhile before our movie UNDERDOG Starts.
its a Nice movie... hahaa... The dog is very funny.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Who want the kiwi and blackcurrent yogurt mask?
i'm giving away. haha 1 or 2 cubes.... tell me if anyone wants it.
(cuz i din use... like wasted. )

Today i went to watson.
& i bought some facial mask for just 1bucks! CHeap Right. hahaha =X
& yeah! the clothes i ordered online from chen yang's friend has arrived!
but dunno if its nice on me... gotta collect it from him soon!

btw, today i'm supposed to reached home at 430. Cuz lesson ends at 3pm.
However... i'm being STOPPED by some PEOPLE.
One of them is a korean girl from dunno which church!
When i saw them, i purposely "SIAM" them by walking behind... yet, she quickly turn ard n stop me from walking towards the Mrt Stn! -.-
okay... since she's so friendly looking... so i decided to stop n helped her up with the survey.
But aft the survey... she kept asking me questions
& even shows me lots of quotes taken out from the bible.! ARHhhhhhh......
Overall... she spent 15 mins taking to me about Jesus - the father and THE MOTHER?
& Jesus is the lamb? his wife is call the bride? huh... I'm abit lost.
partially due to her accent.
aft that.. i hurried to watson to buy the mask. haha
when i'm done with it.... i went to the mrt stn
and b4 i'm gg to reach the control stn..
another guy stop me! -.-

he spent 10 mins talking to me.... about the PRUCASH student plan thingy. A saving plan.
He said that alot of NUS Student had alrdy buy from him.
& you just need to deposit 70bucks each month into ur acc
& you can get 3%interest... 1500 cash back per month...... which can accumulate till many thousands after 1 year....
i gave him a not really interested face...
and he asked me to go arnd in the school to ask the students if they are alrdy up for the PRUCASH. If 1 out of 4 student gets it... i must buy too.... -.-

thanks .. let me think first hor!
SO people reading my blog gt the pru-cash saving plan????

in the end i only managed to get home at 5.15pm. oh wells.....
IS the word " approach me and talk to me" written on my face?

till then, byebye!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

(Updated version)

The Other day, Chun lin got me these.

(white kitty)meowss

(doggy- but looks like a bah bah black sheep to me! lols)

It's an accessories for bags or handphones.

That Day, Qingkai sent me a folder of cute emotions- my so-called "white creatures"
hahaha very Cute right!? Thanks ya!
& he found out that this white creature is actually an onion head.! (otc told me so too...)
all these while i thought that its an animal lor.... & qk thought that its a cat! "
but it turns out that both of us were wrong.... ONION HEAD-.-

i realised that... after my school started. I din cam-whore. ( no pictures)hahaha... so i tried to take one today. xD

ohwells.. ain't my camera "anti shake" and will always produce "steady shots"? So why am i getting this kind of blurry photo?

This few days, i have problems controlling my laughters.
Issit because i'm too stress or issit because my friends are way too funny!?
I can Laugh till i cry just because of the pungent smell in the lift.
& just because of some funny comments made by my friend towards.. hmmm the "yin du ren"

& we kept imagine things... like we din sweep floor for months and the dust on the carpet accumulate till we had problems walking into the house.
so boliao and i can laugh till i cry... siao rite!?

And Yeah...! It's study break next week!
should i be happy or should i worry?
Cuz study break marks the beginning of term test!
God Bless me

A video taken in the hospital.

Not forgetting to exercise while waiting @ the hospital
(learn from that malay guy! making full use of his time... as time is precious. )

hehehe pls dun sue me for taking this video...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


songs from rainie's new album
Okay... maybe this is not so new. As its a song for the show WHy Why love.
& i believe most of the people had already listened to it .

This is the second song. Which i think the dance was pretty good. Lols
But the Mv is super lame and ridiculous la.

Seeing Rainie's Super short layered hair at the top, remind me of sth.
There was once, when i'm still in poly... I cut my hair just like the one rainie had too.. a very obvious short layer at the middle... and the rest longer. (but din style or do anything to make it Super nice looking)
& the second day when i go sch. My friend started laughing. -.- (said that it looks like a hat or what. *diao*
& the following week i cut away that layer to make it normal.

CUZ No ONE say Its nice... only my hairstylist.
Yeah, and i cannot stand ppl laughing..
& went back to my hairstylist ... though she said that its very stylish and my friend was a sua gu to laugh at me but i still trimmed away that layer.

so anyone laughing at Rainie now? i think NO LOR. SO its good to be a celebrity.
Whatever shit u wear or any weird hairdo u have.
everyone will Say its nice... * roll eyes*

So unfair ....
HAhaa... after all... she is still a celebrity
&yah.. very cute too =)
so can't compare la. =]

recently, i kept receiving phonecalls from strangers. and someone even asked me if i'm interested in doing facial.???!!!!
damn all of u... stop calling me!
perhaps i should change my hp no?

Friday, September 14, 2007


Hectic life in Nus.
Have been real busy these few days.
it's week 5 already.... one more week and it's study break---> TERM TEST.
i think you people 're not interested in my school work... so i shall just write a short entry on other things other that SCHOOL work.=)

Btw, Grandma had her Operation done on Wednesday . From 7.30am all the way till 6 plus....PM. That day i ended class arnd 3
& went down to TTSH straight.
While waiting for her
i did my 2407... (i'm damn slow.need to buck up!)

yeah...& we saw the doctor arnd 6plus.
& he showed us a haolian face indicating that the operation was successful. lol
But grandma couldn't come out only till her condition is stable.

So we went down to have our dinner.
When we got back arnd 8pm... Grandma was alrdy transferred to the ICU.
So we took turns to go in and look at her. =) (now she's fine)

ohyes... i skipped the Tuesday lesson.
Self declared off day from school ... lols
& so i planned to do self studying at home.

But... as usual, i slack abit.... kept sleeping... just managed to do some revision..

and suddenly, someone press the door belll.... so i opened the door.
It was a stranger.
A Uncle in his late 50s..
& claimed that he's from a window frame-y thingy company and He showed me his identity and letter from HDB... blah blah....

& i told him "mum nt home"
and u know what he asked me?
He asked if i'm the MAID.... WTH! MAID....
Thanks lei, lao uncle.
i guess i look horrible with half awake face plus my extra large size TShirt(not sweet or sexy at all).
hmm... hair clip on ... calling my mother -"MUM".... make up-less.... Ugly clothings which makes me feels more comfy at home....

mayb that's the reason why he thought that i'm the MAID. *roll eyes + black face*
then i anyhw answer him and "chase " him away.... damn la... i look like a maid.

Okay... back to today.
Today i went to the Hospital again.
But before i went up, i went to the small cafe to bought some Cup corns.
while i was waiting for my cup corn,
One guy talked to me.

He asked if i was queueing...& yah ... of cuz la.. den stand there posing meh.
& he asked me if i'm a Filipino. (I'm from philippines? omg)
when i hear that, i Gave a very big reaction!
i immediately questioned him that issit because i look like a maid or What! *from sleepy look to bigger eye glare!*

i think he was shock to see my reaction
& he was a little paiseh.. and said that he is not good in words. -.-
so he told me that he thot that i was not a chinese but mixed blood ... what look eurasion la.....
& keep talking to me.... & gave me his no...

Luckily he needs to leave for an appointment ... if not he will talk Non-stop. *phew*

Alrite... so dun ever mention the word "MAID" again infront of me lah!
piss me off!

*oh ya... i used the collagen masks i bought at the beaute spring shop? and cucumber mask from watson .. hmmm nt bad * girls can consider buying ba .. haha
& as usual, i bought a collagen eye masks at the hospital ... Teeheehheee

Signing off

Monday, September 10, 2007

i wan this song. Anyone kind soul have it & wanna send me?

Sunday, September 9, 2007


hee... i'm blogging during my break time...
Yesterday, i went out with Arvin. hahaha...
we haven been out for ... ermmm.... prolly 2 to 3 weeks? so long right!?

Anw, we went to TTSH to pay granny a visit.
He reached my house at arnd 4plus and we went out.
when i'm on our way to Amk... i suddenly rmb that i did not check if all the windows were properly closed! So i was like very grumpy & worried.... so we went home again & checked. hahaha

& yah... all the windows are closed. just that i forgt to switch off the lights. -.-
waste time.... and money.. Sorrie
so when we reached TTSH, it was already 6pm!
my aunties and yi zhang were already there.... so we sat down and chatted awhile....
grandma was abit tired... maybe she has been injected with medicine which made her so sleepy.
But she laughed abit when yi zhang made fun of arvin. Hahahaha...

arvin like to block lor... dun understand dialect...
lols and i think he dun understand what yi zhang said...
cuz he everytime say very lame things.
luckily i know some dialect and even if yi zhang tease or make fun of me, i can counter attack!
till 645pm den we went down to have our dinner.

Wuuuu.... The Mango Ice cream there was nice! hahaha scoop for 1.50bucks. i will try other desserts some other time.

After dinner, we went back to the ward and "inform" my sleepy ah ma that we're gg back...
and we headed to balestier, shaw plaza to catched a movie.

we watched Ratatouille ! ( hahaha

The word Ratatouille comes from "touiller," which means to toss food. Ratatouille originated in the area around present day Nice. It was, originally, a poor farmer's dish, prepared in the summer with fresh summer vegetables. The original Ratatouille Niçoise did not contain eggplant (which would not have been available during the same time period as the other vegetables used). Instead, it used only zucchini (courgettes), tomatoes, green and red peppers, onion, and garlic. The dish known today as Ratatouille adds eggplant to that mixture.
French ratatouille may be served as a meal on its own (accompanied by rice,
potatoes, or simple French bread). It is usually served as a meal in a lunch setting, with bread. It is often accompanied by a potato dish as a complement. It is most usually served as a side dish. Tomatoes are a key ingredient, with garlic, onions, zucchini (courgettes), eggplant (aubergine), bell peppers (poivron), some herbes de Provence, and sometimes basil. All the ingredients are sautéed lightly in olive oil.

- from wikipedia

well its a nice movie. with great animations.
& the average grading for the movie was A- given in some websites. =)
people go watch k! =D

remy the rat which was Inspired by France's top chef.

Linguini - the guy who doesnt know how to cook!


gusteau, the top chef whose 口头禅is "Anyone can Cook"


skinner, the sous chef
irritating & short

Anton Ego, the food critic. which ends up being a good guy. =)

Remy's brother ,Émile

opps, i missed out the only lady chef ... colette and remy's dad

but before our movie starts,
i went down to have a walk in the shop call Beaute Spring

& i Bought facial Masks again!

2 box - 3bucks each which contains 4 mask.
5pieces-rose, aloe vera, 2collagen, lotus for 10bucks.
hahaha that sale girl was good la... talk talk abit and i bought so many .....
& today i tried on the tulip 1s... which was in the box 1.... hmmm... not bad... really can feels that your skin is soften and smoother.



These are my mask. I don't really like those yogurt masks. no special feeling after applying it - the Kiwi & blackcurrent . 6cube in 1 box(top)
comments: 6pack in 1 box. and one small cube of yogurt mask can be shared among 3 ppl! i dunno when i can finish that! -.-

i bought it as i thought i should give it a try
& since watsons is having promotion... buy one box for 4.95 or 5.95 and u get another box free!
hw can i miss it right! i'm a aunty lei!

i bought the watson facial mask for 1.95 each... tried all the different ones... but left with these two only- with cumumber and aloe vera extracts.
comments: Okay .... feels normal... quite refreshing and cooling. But the mask is too big for my face. i have to cut it everytime before i can apply it on my face!

RHS: Za eyes mask
i bought it in one box which contains 8 pieces or 6? cant rmb. it comes along with 1 facial washing foam, one day time whitening lotion and another for night. cost : 23++
comments: hmm.. the size of the eye mask is just nice. feels nothing... & did not use it very often. As it's was too expensive. hahaha ... so must used it wisely.

Tube: Za T-zone peel off mask.
comments: after using... have the tightening feeling.. haha but i seldom used it too. Cuz i m a lazy girl... doesn't really like to waste time peeling off the stupid mask after that.

The two white box (france masker)- the one i bought yesterday.
comment: 3 stars out of 5 ... (for the time being) as i mentioned... can feel the skin is softer.

The 5 mask: i haven use... so no comments.

Other facial mask that i have used ... and are nt in the picture (cuz i finished it...):
O2 skin eyes mask and facial mask. 3 for 10 bucks. i think i have tried most of the fragrance. exceppt the carrot and those anti ageing mask . haha
beauty credit -yeast mask- super Expensive- 1 for 5.50 bucks. i only bought 1 and try.... nth special .... wonder why its so ex! 杀人放火啊!

All these mask have different extracts and fragance.
all are used for different purposes. eg. whitening, refreshing, smoothing, firming..... etc.
maybe i will post an entry just for the mask on their uses next time rnd.

haha madness right! i 'm addicted to MASK.... hoping to improve my skin complexion. lolsi think i can declared that buying mask is now officially my new hobby.
okay... guess u guys are getting bored of what i'm blogging... hahahaa change topic.

These few days, mum is super busy. Cuz she had to work and visit grandma at the same time. Like almost everyday lor. So she din cook. and so today my 2 sisters took over her place and COOK 1 meal FOR ME ! (as mum told them to do so.... she say the fridge is overflooding!)
not too much ... cuz its the share for 2 person only... and we're eating porridge only... good enough le =)=================================================================
By huiting

Fried tofu with veggie +scramble egg


dinner by yining

rice +cabbage with tofu, mushroom and ham + potato soup!

hehe... both my sis have watched "Ratatouille"
so i assumed that Remy the rat and the deceased top chef, Auguste Gusteau have inspired them greatly!

good Job ! teeheehee...

btw, laopo men, i have send some birthday photos to your mail box. go check it out. another half will be send to your next time. -total of 5 mails
in addition to my flickr a/c

signing off-

Friday, September 7, 2007

Its 5am in the morning now!


HAPPy birthday TO you
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday to CF
Happy Birthday to YOU!

SORRY, YESTERDAY too tired... forgt to sms you.
Anw, Best wishes for you and Dun sleep too much ya. lols

& ya.... bad news for me again. I think theres some problem with my PS .... WHAT license expired.
guess i forgt to activate or what ... or.... dunno.... it din remind me anything, just asked for updates and i already updated.... WTH.....Super piss off... but, i have no time to solve this problem.
jiu ming arh.... cant edit photos anymore!

i will send you guys the unedited photos asap. sorry for waiting.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007


TodaY i had my first physics lab. Was quite nervous again. Cuz Physics Lab is Super Time consuming and i 'm very slow when doing lab. Tends to make careless mistakes here and there.
Furthermore, I'm alone. -.-

WHen i reached the lab, there were few student already. So i saw one girl and asked if she has a partner. and yeah!!!... she don't have... so we group today. haha heng.
Hehehe.... & i found out that She's my Course Senior! She is in her final year already. And she stays in Hougang .... Plus she is also from Ngee ann Poly! WOw... we have many things in common. LOLS.

I felt so lucky to met her & have her as my partner. =D
Thanks Suan Tin!

The Lab ends at 12pm but we only get it done by 1pm! i miss my lunch break -.- super hungry and thirsty....
then i quickly ran off for my next tutorial class which was @ 1pmwhile she helped me to hand in my report. =)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007



After school that day, I went to CGH To pay grandma a visit.
Okay, she looks better now....=)
At the beginning, i wanted to go straight to CGH aft i change my clothes and change my bag
But mum asked me to wait for her.... so i waited.... till 5pm then she came back!

&When we reached the hospital, its already 610pm!
i was supposed to meet laopo men at 630pm, suntec! *gosh*
So i had to postpone the meeting time. =P

Met Zeng laopo at Cityhall Mrt Stn at arnd 715pm and walked to suntec, where kong laopo and Lim laopo were already there waiting for us.
& headed for our Dinner!
i forgot the name of the restaurant, but i'm sure that theres "noodles" in the name. lols.
& i had my Fried tofu Set which costs 7.90 exclusive of Gst. *smile*

After the dinner, we walked to Bugis.
laopo men are really good, they know where to walk and i just follow blindly. haiz... i'm so sua gu
But by the time we reach Bugis, most of the stalls were already closing....! damn
yet, we still managed to grab one pair of shoes each..... 9.90 bucks only... CHeap Rite.!?

oh, i also bought a top at Fox, suntec.

After shopping at bugis, we went to the bus stop to take bus down to Clarke Quay.
As Lim laopo said that there's a night market or ??? some where there, so want to bring us there to 大开眼界!

hahaha, we did something very UN-glam whilewaiting for the bus.
You all know that theres two bus stop opposite Burlington square?
and we were waiting at one of the bus stop for bus 147 or 166. but it din come...

so for one moment, steph suggested on taking cab down.
we standby the road shoulder and wave for arnd 5 to 10 mins? but no empty cab available.
Then we saw the second bus stop which was a few metres away from the previous 1... so we walked there and check if there are buses that goes to clarke quay.... (worst, None goes there!)
So we continued to look for cabs.

& to our astonishment, Bus 147 Came.... and the four of us run towards the previous bus stop like siao char bor. - Carrying big ugly aunty looking shopping bag running on the streets in a mini denim skirt. & i think the way we run is UGLY lor. *laughs*

We managed to get on to the bus... and we were laughing loudly on how foolish we looked just now. hahaha
Reached Clarke quay, but t market is no where in sight... so we asked some1
and she told us that the market was last week ... *disappointed*
okay, nt really that disappointed. At least i saw the nice scenery at Clarke quay. =)
we went home after a short walk.


went to Lim laopo's house .... xu laopo the birthday girl was already there to do her manicure.
then Xulaopo's cousin drove us down to Costa Sands, Pasir Ris.
We Decorated the chalet aft we checked in.......
and went to downtown east to buy my dinner. - Cuz i don't have much things to eat. haha
Arnd 7plus, most of the guest came. hahaha
and ya, guess xu laopo received lotsa pressie! Happy not? hahaa
so you like the album? hahaa

Edwin Came back from CHINA... hahaha... i was so eager to see his double chin... but
there was only one chin.... guess he slimmed down when he was in china , due to the loneliness.
Jimmy, Meihua, betsy, Beechai, Kenneth, Yiwei, Shuli and some SgS school mates came. =D
(like some sort of gathering... lols... and everyone seems fine ... that's gd!)
we had long long chats throughout the night.

we sat outside to CHATTTTTTTTttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
till 4am and when in to the chalet due to the rain!
& then we continued to watch old old drama cast by 周初明,谢韵仪,陈汉伟 and more.
The Story line is so Crappy can...(we can also guess what's happening next!)
another thing, the actor's acting skills all cannot make it! so fake and block!
we laughed all the way till the show ends.... (the ending song also very funny.... i wanted to laugh though i'm trying to get some sleep)

we slept till 5plus and decided to go home.
we walked out from costa sands to the bus stop outside.
damn the new shoes! hahahhaa ..... its torturing me and steph...
It gave me 2 blister on my feet. PAINFUL AR!


reached home at 7am... bath and slept till 12pm... then woke up to do some revision and then prepare to go to the hospital again. (TTSH- grandma was being transfer to there)

we stayed there for quite sometimes, and even when to Square2 to shop awhile with my two sisters.
we went t the bikini shop... yining bought 2 bikini and huiting bought 1. thou i tried on 2 but i din buy any. cuz i'm ntgoing to the beach and all not suitable. hahaha

went home arnd 10 plus and i slept after the hot bath

I'm so ANGRY. I gt blister and FLU after that chalet night!
blame myself for nt wearing jacket the whole nite! =S
(freddie said that i wanna act strong....-.-)

and yes.... these two days i'm sufferring due to the FLu
i cant really concentrate in class and keep dozing off.
i even hit my head hard on the bus window twice ! 丢脸啊!!!!
i'm sleeping at 930pm when i'm suppose to be an owl which come online till 1 am in the morning!
i dare nt look at the mirror for too long.... as i thinks that i look Totally restless and ugly .

Hope I get well SOON!


-=This photo cant be click for bigger view =-===================================================================

Signing off`

Sunday, September 2, 2007


I mean Sunny On Sept 1st. hahahas
It's xulaopo's birthdae chalet....
i'm tired, and not really free to blog now... so i just post this short video up first. Enjoy!